Spent the last week in a Dragon Age fuguestate. The game isn't going to end up being a top favourite need to replay it every year type situation like Night in the Woods or the Summon Night Swordcraft Story games (truly don't know why those games grabbed me so hard) but I thoroughly enjoyed it, and already want to make another Rook to go through the game again, just a little to the left.
Had a cold for like, two weeks. Still sort of getting over it - snot galore. It was so bad, I feel like every cold / flu I've had since Covid has been more intense (that is, since I had Covid, not since 'Covid' generally - shit's still happening). I'm just so glad I can sleep laying down again, that I don't wheeze when I breathe. Snot is truly an enemy of the body.
I'm technically in a jcink rp group that I've been neglecting for sickness and work business and lack of interest reasons. I go through phases with everything in my life. Prolonged attention basically requires you to have rewired my personality at some important stage and even those things I wax and wane on - the one I've stayed with the longest at this point is probably The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, or perhaps Spider-Man. Weird two things to fixate on, but hey, what can I say - I love a nerd.
Thinking about all of this because of my thoughts about Dragon Age, how it's unlikely to stick in my craw in the same way, but it's been stuck there for a bit. Been at work thinking I Can't Wait To Get Home To Dragon Age, like it's my spouse or something. But it's done now, and I can know peace.
It's also the only Dragon Age game where not being able to romance Varric makes any damn sense.